We Are Hiring
Thank you for your interest in becoming part of the Pink Cherry Pole and Dance team! At Pink Cherry Pole & Dance Studio, we strive to provide a fun atmosphere where any person regardless of age, shape, or fitness level can achieve a total body workout! Our teachers love what they do and are part of an amazing team. We are always looking to add new styles and offer more class variety. If you love the art of dance or fitness, are organized, super energetic, and enthusiastic, then this is a wonderful opportunity for you!
This position is part-time. Instructors are expected to teach at least one 1-hr class per week. Please send resume/CV, a reel showcasing your talent, proof of certification if applicable, and class overview proposal to the following email: mypinkcherry1@gmail.com. Below is an outline of our official instructor application and onboarding process.
Class Overview Proposal Format
Class Overview Statement: 2 to 3 sentence statement describing the class(es) you would like to teach.
Target Student Profile and level: Beginner? Open Level? Int/Adv? Everyday men and women? New Moms? People who dance for fun? People who want dance to be their career? It can be a mix of these things.
Class Objective: Bare-boned outline of techniques you plan on teaching
Example- Seduce Me
Class Overview Statement- Being Sexy is not just about wearing lingerie and revealing outfits. Being Sexy is about the way you feel about yourself.
Target Student Profile- Open Level
3.Class Objective- In Seduce ME, Cherries will learn to find, grow, and nurture their inner sexy and grow confident with oozing sexy. That happens not just by what they see with your outer self, but more so by what they feel from your inner self.
Onboarding Process
Online Application, Email with resume and video, and class proposal
- If we like your reel, we will schedule an in-person interview. At this time, please​ be prepared to freestyle, teach a mock 15 min class, and bring two forms of ID.
- Examples of Acceptable forms- Driver’s License, Passport, Social Security, and Identification card
Offer of Interest – This email serves as a formal offer of interest.
Pop Up Class Trial: Promote and host 1 or 2 Pop Up classes in your proposed time slot. This allows the studio management to assess your teaching style and promotional drive to make your class a success.
Formal Offer/Contract: With final approval from studio management, you will be offered a formal position at Pink Cherry Pole and Dance Studio on a 90-day probational period. Contract details will cover the following:
Base pay and commissions
Booking process
Best practices and studio etiquette